


pproject is a terminal-tool (for bash and zsh) to create, update, test and build python projects inside the conda-environment.

It focuses on decreasing the manual operations required during the development-circle consisting of creation, development, test, build, release and document.


Development-circle as implemented in the pproject-tool.

pproject is mainly written in python (3.6), but also uses bash (for autoactivation and auto-update-functionalities in the shell).

The python-projects created with this tool are using the company-namespace-project-naming-style.


  • easy creation of new python-projects (using cookiecutter)

    These projects include:
    • automated initialization as a git repository
    • automated definition of git-remote url (GitLab or GitHub)
    • automated creation of initial project specific conda-environment
  • automated or manual updates of project specific conda-environments based on projects meta.yaml-file

  • easy incrementation of projects version (using semantic versioning)

  • sphinx-documentation (html and pdf) of projects

  • autoactivation of projects conda-environment when entering the project path and deactivation when leaving

  • automated testing of projects during build and release (using pytest)

  • build conda-package out of project with optionally publishing on own conda-repository-server

  • easy rollout of projects as a conda-package in their own conda-environment either local or on another host.

© Copyright 2018, Simon Kallfass.


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